Football fan scores huge total for charity with fundraiser

01 June 2023

Man with football

A life-long football fan is hoping to celebrate reaching a £10,000 fundraising milestone for Prostate Cancer UK later this week. Local bank manager, Ben Homans has been hosting charity football matches to raise funds for the charity since 2018, and this year’s match is set to be hosted at Redditch United’s Trico Stadium.

Ben has also successfully secured sporting items which are set to be auctioned as part of the overall fundraising campaign. Donations from sporting institutions from Arsenal Football Club to Redditch United will go under the hammer and hopefully the event will see Ben’s fund raising efforts topple the £10,000 mark, having already raised £8,300 since 2018.

Ben was originally inspired to raise funds for Prostate Cancer UK after his grandfather was diagnosed with the condition.

”My Grandad is still here today due to the help he received from Prostate Cancer UK and the incredible health service. I wear the Men United pin badge every day to remind me of their incredible work and I am so pleased that we have already managed to raise over £8,000 for this incredible cause.”

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